The first joint U.S. exhibition of Plastixs and Globeius is a fitting celebration of their respective anniversaries.
Opening its doors 25 years ago in a small office in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, Plastixs is the brainchild of Mickey Blyskal, a pioneer of selling plastics equipment through the Internet.
In over four decades in the plastics industry, Blyskal developed deep expertise in the machinery and equipment used in injection molding and extrusion. His hands-on work with customers across the country highlighted a need for innovative, custom solutions to improve productivity and reduce downtime – and this insight drove him to establish Plastixs.
One of Blyskal’s initial ideas was selling many products through a website launched in 2003. “At the time no one was doing this for industrial products. People from all over the country were looking for the same solutions I was providing for our customers in the New England market.”
Further milestones included the 2005 launch of its custom manifold assembly business and in 2010 expanding into more specialty applications – like water manifolds for new mold temperature controllers producing water up to 360° F and hotter. “Today Plastixs is the industry leader in hot oil and high-temperature water manifold and hose assembly solutions.”
Plastixs joins Globeius in celebrating another milestone: Plastec USA, the company of which Globeius is an offshoot brand, marks its 40th anniversary this year.